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Price per square foot is a calculation used to determine the value of a square ft. in a real estate property. This method is commonly used by real estate professionals and investors to compare the value of different condominium buildings within a neighborhood, especially for new development. 

We have compiled a list of the average price per square ft. for popular condominiums located within Ala Moana-Kakaako from most expensive to least. See where your desired condominium stacks up:

(PSF = Price Per Square Foot)

Park Lane $2,474 PSF
Waiea $2,015 PSF
Hokua $1,719 PSF
Anaha $1,445 PSF
One Ala Moana $1,297 PSF
The Collection $1,064 PSF
Waihnoua $1,004 PSF
Keahou Place $968 PSF
Symphony $967 PSF
Hawaiki Tower $913 PSF
Pacifica $888 PSF
Ko’olani $869 PSF
Nauru Tower $856 PSF
909 Kapiolani $837 PSF
Moana Pacific $804 PSF
1350 Ala Moana $795 PSF
Vanguard Lofts $746 PSF
400 Keawe $700 PSF
Imperial Plaza $637 PSF

(MLS data from 7/16/18)

(These figures were based on sold prices within the last 6 months)

We can see that the top of the list is mostly comprised of very recently built luxury buildings, with the exception of Hokua, which was built in the mid 2000's. Ko'olani was suprising in value as it sits in a prime location in Ward Village - this could be due to upcoming development that may block its ocean views. 

Disclaimer: price per square foot is a good method for looking at trends within a neighborhood but not necessarily on judging the value of a piece of real estate. Often times, especially in luxury buildings, higher floor levels command a large premium compared to the lower floors and can skew an average up sharply.